• Awakening your curiosity to expand horizons, discover purpose, and deliver optimal performance

Curiosity is the name of a rover designed by scientists to discover more about life on Mars. It is also a symbol of a thirst that stems from the paradox of knowledge. The more we know, the more we realize how little we know. Only the well informed with a clear vision and strategy anchored by purpose survive in a VUCA world.

  • Is your team agile enough for a continually changing market place in a virtual environment?
  • Are you clear on your and the organization’s purpose, and do you align your day-to-day actions with it?
  • Ever struggle to motivate others when you have no authority over them?
  • Do you sometimes find yourself with a nagging doubt about whether your talents match the needs of the job (imposter syndrome)? 
  • Or do you simply want to establish your executive presence?

Above all, are you curious?

If you are, and any of the questions resonate with you, I can help you expand your horizons and stay at the forefront of your industry. 

What I do

I galvanize curiosity and expand horizons in C-suite executives and their teams in the FAST (Finance, advisory, science, and technology) industries. The client holds the agenda and I maintain the focus. While they remain the best expert on themselves, I help them:

  • surf the wave of creative disruption and attain their performance sweet spot
  • develop their emotional intelligence to withstand the stressors that detract from performance
  • detect and celebrate their needs and talents and align them with their purpose
  • awaken their power of connection and systems thinking.

I deliver the program via a series of one-on-one coaching sessions, or in the case of team coaching, via three day-long workshops, using my extensive business acumen backed by evidence-based models and frameworks.

By the end:

  • you will have greater clarity about yourself, and others
  • be better equipped to achieve your best
  • and be more fulfilled as individuals and as a "profitable" organization not just to survive, but flourish in an ever-complex world 

Contact Me




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





Contact Me